Monday, March 12, 2007

A Trip To The Doctor Lengthens The To Do List

Last Saturday morning Tom drove me over to Gary Segal's (the Corvair mechanic) house where the pro spent nearly two hours giving me a thorough check-up. In addition to adjusting my throttle linkage, providing a replacement fanbelt, and greasing my fan bearing, he gave Tom a list of issues and the methods to address them. Those items have been added to the To Do list here on my blog.

They took me out for a test drive with Gary driving, and I was amazed when he shifted me into Low and floored my throttle. I'm sure Tom was saying a prayer that my engine wouldn't explode as I hit 45 MPH (probably 4000+ rpm) before Gary let up on the throttle. All was well and I actually appreciated the opportunity to "stretch my legs."

Tom drove me home and replaced my failed choke controls (the little actuators that use vacuum to slightly open the chokes). That completely fixed my cold-start running problems. He also installed my original upper backseat and then "borrowed" and installed the lower backseat from his red Corvair. I'm not real happy with a non-matching black seat bottom, but it's nice to be a four-passenger vehicle again.

That afternoon Tom took his wife, Loriann, to a local Antique Car Flea Market. I was happy when they chose me to drive there. It was cool to be seen at an old car event.