Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Wheel Cover Adventure

While being driven home by Ariel the other night, she accidentally runs my right wheels into a curb while exiting the interstate. It's dark and since I'm still driving fine, she continues on home without checking for damage. Unbeknownst to her, one of my very nice-looking wire wheel covers popped off and rolled up the hill.

The next morning, Tom discovered that the cover was missing and immediately jumped to the conclusion that it had been stolen. Ariel told him about hitting the curb, and said that that might have caused the cover to pop off. Tom drove to where Ariel told him it had happened and he found the cover in two pieces. A little straightening and it will be usable again. In the meantime, Tom replaced all my wheel covers with less expensive stock covers from a '63 Monza.

Another happy thing is that my driver's door is getting easier to close. It must be that the weatherstrip is relaxing. Good news.