The other night, Tom tested the sealing job he and Ariel had done. Unfortunately, there's still one spot that needed some more silicone. We all hope that this will fix it so that they can get on with re-installing my interior.
Tom took a look at my rear seat bottom. The frame is pretty rusty and the many of the snake wire springs are broken. The vinyl is in really good shape, but the cloth where it attaches to the frame is shot. Hopefully, he can attach new cloth and salvage the cover. The frame is another question. He can buy new snake wire springs, but is the frame is solid enough?
Last night he started me up to drive out of the garage and noticed that exhaust coming out my left side was cooler than the right. He checked the choke and it was already open compared to the right side. Another adjustment will need to be made someday. No wonder I've been running a little rough at startup.