Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

The good: I now have a new set of points, a condenser, and a distributor cap, and the compression in my cylinders is good, ranging from a high of 130 psi to a low of 110 psi. Last night Ariel's dad came out and pulled my spark plugs, one at a time, cleaned them and checked the compression in each of my cylinders before reinstalling the plugs.

The bad: My engine still doesn't run right. Cylinders 1 and 4 have intermittent misses. Ariel's dad told Ariel that he's got new plugs he'll install and he'll ordering some new wires, so I hope they replace them to get me running smoothly.

The ugly: My transmission leaked about a pint of fluid onto the garage floor during the last few days. A little transmission re-conditioner should fix my leaky seals.